When you think of mentoring, the first thing which comes to mind is probably something to do with work. After all, most mentoring relationships happen within the workplace. Don't they?
Not really. You can find mentors in a variety of situations. Youth mentors work with children. Couples mentor other couples concerning their marital relationships all the time. And everywhere you look, you will find people mentoring each other in various capacities, especially regarding learning life skills and finding success in various ways.
If you're interested in helping others to succeed in this type of mentorship, consider these things:
1. You Need to Have a Desire to Help
The very fact you're interested is a great starting point. It might be safe to assume you've already given guidance to others in some capacity if this is the case. By any chance, were you the one who helped others with their homework back in school or put in the extra time to help someone else make the team?
2. You Have a Positive Attitude
Mentors are natural cheerleaders. They can't help but encourage those around them. It's part of who they are.
3. You’re Real
A good mentor doesn't put up a false face. They are honest about their challenges and how they handled them. They are also willing to use this information to help those around them. Had a problem with your garden? Now that you've solved it, maybe you can help a neighbor with theirs.
4. You’re a Good Listener
When teaching, it's crucial to be more interested in hearing what the other person has to say than speaking yourself. After all, how can you possibly help them if you have no idea what they need? By being an active listener, you'll discover what the other person needs.
5. You’re All About Compassion
If you're the sort of person who can leave judgment at the door, be open-minded and compassionate to every living creature, then you are ideally suited to be a help to others.
6. You Know How to Set Boundaries
You can't help others if you're going to be drawn into their drama. There comes a point when you need to keep from emotionally engaging in someone else’s crisis. You must be able to keep a distance where it matters and protect your mental health.
7. You’re Good at Awkward Conversations
Sometimes you’re going to need to be excruciatingly honest. It’s not always easy to tell someone when they’re wrong or to offer genuine criticism. Being able to do so tactfully is a superpower. Don’t be afraid to use it!
All these traits lend themselves toward making you a great candidate to step in and come alongside someone who needs a little guidance or even some mentoring. So, don’t be afraid to offer some assistance or volunteer to teach someone something new. The world needs more people like you!